
Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence team transforms raw data into meaningful and useful information for business purposes. Business intelligence can handle big data to a small data to process for the meaning full output data for business decision making purpose. In General we use the BI tools to process the raw data in to processed or useful data. We use the Multidimensional data methods to process for OLAP data for analytical reporting purpose. In General Terminologies, BI is set of methodologies, Logics, processes, architectures, and tools that transform Original raw data into Usable, Content rich, Clean, Current, Interactive, Value Oriented data used to enable more effective business strategic, analytical and operational decision making.

BI applications can give anyone in your organization the ability to make better decisions by quickly understanding the various processed information reports or data sets in your organization and how these interact with each other. These reports or dimensional data can include customer databases, supply chain information, Customer personnel data, Material manufacturing, Procurement and product data, sales and marketing activity, as well as any other source of information critical to your operation. A BI application, which includes integration and data cleansing functions, can allow you to integrate these disparate data sources into a single coherent framework for real-time reporting and detailed analysis by anyone in your extended enterprise, i.e. customers ( C2C), business partners ( B2B), employees (super users), managers, and business executives. This also includes the data integration, data quality, data warehousing, MDM (master data management) and text analytics.

    BI involves standard process such as:

  • Gathering the Source Data - Data Mining Process
  • Operational Data store - This involves the cleansing the data
  • Data warehousing - Process Mining / Business Process Modeling
  • Reporting - Statistical Analysis / Predictive Analysis