
Cloud Services

Cloud is now a true driver to business change, bringing together a range of public and private services, to deliver agility, scalability, simplicity and speed to market. We see Cloud as a ubiquitous design principle to everything we deliver, underpinning our end-to-end portfolio of client solutions.

Cloud Computing provides a highly flexible pool of commoditized and shared IT services which can be rapidly provisioned with minimal management effort.

Cloud Computing is changing the way enterprises support and consume IT. It relies on its capability to offer the provision of dynamically scalable resources as a service. It means the necessity to maintain the right balance between the way of delivering services, the up-scaling and down-scaling resources mechanisms and the utility pricing model.

These on-demand resources can be configured by self-service mechanisms and consumed as a pay-per-use service, using internet technology. This allows for maximum flexibility in IT resources and the cost associated with them, allowing for transparent cost control. Adopting a cloud approach will only be successful if it is relayed by business drivers. Where IT initiated transformations tend to fail or under deliver, a business-aware strategy will ensure robust migration and integration.

Making the Benefits of the Cloud a Reality for Business Businesses today are increasingly recognizing the benefits of the Cloud. It offers:

  • Greater cost savings
  • The ability to quickly innovate and experiment new ideas
  • Opportunities to pilot test and run enterprise applications quickly
  • Elasticity to instantly scale up as your workload grows
  • Better streamlining of business IT processes The case for the Cloud is compelling. Yet for many businesses, the full benefits have not yet been realized.

Why move to the Cloud? The pace of business keeps accelerating creation several challenges for IT, among a loss of control over systems that are seen as expensive to build and to operate, as well as a need to develop greater focus on business driven technology or to put it simply: technology that matters for business. The assembled technologies known as “Cloud Computing” provide a unique opportunity to:

  • Ensure greater focus on innovation by reducing IT functions that are high in management and financial cost
  • Develop integration frameworks that bring business, its suppliers and customers into closer collaboration Cloud Computing is one of the key approaches helping a company to move towards an ideal scenario in which Business Services are provided and available on demand.

Why ABV?

  • ABV Financial Services provides an enterprise-ready framework and intelligent platform that integrates and supports applications in the Cloud. It provides a cost effective service that allows multiple applications to run in a consolidated platform.
  • We understand information technology
  • We understand infrastructure
  • We understand applications
  • We understand software quality
  • We understand architecture
  • We understand migration and integration
  • We understand service management
  • We have a strong ecosystem