
Project management

At ABV Financial Services, project services focus on providing practical management of individual projects. Our approach to project management is to use generally accepted methodologies / standards and tailor them to our client's project management methods and processes.

Our project management professionals will provide leadership to your projects and manage the triple constraints of scope, cost, time while delivering a quality product.

Drawing on the breadth of our experience, Lorven's project managers excel in the delivery of complex IT projects. Our goal is to help IT organizations deliver world-class solutions that support their company's business objectives while minimizing the risks associated with mission-critical implementations. Either as a standalone IT Service offering or combined with the establishment of a PMO, these services will optimize the value and return for your IT investments.

One of the common methodologies used by our project managers is the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) standards developed by PMI. As per these standards, there are 5 process groups – Initiating, Planning, Executing, Controlling and Closing and 9 knowledge areas as shown below

  • Project Integration Management
  • Project Scope Management
  • Project Cost Management
  • Project Time Management
  • Project Risk Management
  • Project Quality Management
  • Project HR Management
  • Project Communication Management
  • Project Procurement Management
  • Effective Project Management requires our project managers to be not only knowledgeable in the above process groups and knowledge areas but also understand the application area standards and project environment.
  • Identifying the candidates that fit best with those needs
  • Pre-screening, interviewing, and testing candidates
  • Coordinating candidate introduction with your in-house IT staff or executive team (if required)
  • Monitoring candidate performance by assuming responsibility for their work quality
  • Adjusting team structure according to changing business needs With a robust set of project management tools, best practices and industry-specific resources, our project management and governance organizations allow IT teams to deliver consistent, high-quality application and infrastructure solutions while meeting customer requirements.

ProjectMethodologies: Our project management experts proactively identify and manage a Project Management Life Cycle (PMLC). Our PMLC ensures team integration, scope management and consistent use of process standards and collaboration tools. Our process and tools are continually improved upon by the feedback received through our formal lesson learned and customer feedback exercises. Opportunities to improve are captured and monitored through our Corrective and Preventative Action (CAPA) process.

EnhancedCommunication: Effective communication is critical to project success. Using a Service Management Portal (SMP), we leverage the collaboration features of Microsoft® SharePoint that enable each project team to have a unique portal to share ideas, communicate status and archive project records. Easy and secure online access allows users to remain up-to-date on the current status and next steps through dashboard displays designed specifically for that project. Stakeholders receive proactive and predictable communication from ABV Financial Services designed to provide a consistent customer experience and increased satisfaction.

Governance:While each engagement may follow a slightly tailored approach, the Project Management Office (PMO) focuses on activities which ensure scope management, customer satisfaction and high-quality project deliverables. The PMO governs the processes used in project execution, evaluates performance, captures lessons learned, and drives continual improvement within our business model to enhance your experience

QualityManagementSystem: As part of the overall QMS our Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA) process drives continuous improvement in our practice by ensuring that the appropriate actions are taken when existing or potential issues are identified by investigators.

  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Consistent Service
  • Employee Satisfaction
  • Continual Improvement

LessonsLearned: Closing a project effectively is vital in obtaining the information and data necessary to assess success and make improvements for the future. As part of ABV Financial Services Project Management Life Cycle (PMLC), we administer a customer satisfaction survey, lessons learned exercise and customer sign-off at the end of a project to collect valuable feedback and provide perspective on return on investment achieved. Again all key findings are captured and monitored through our Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA) process to ensure continual improvement and quality of the services and products we provide.